Dear Valued Customer,

In Dell’s continuous effort to improve Wyse Management Suite, we are announcing a change in our cloud hosting . This change will take effect on May 20, 2022 for the WMS US instance and May 27, 2022 for the WMS EU instance.

What benefits can you expect?

  • Reduced downtime as new WMS versions are released
  • Increased scalability and stability
  • Improved disaster recovery (DR)
  • Simplified configuration (single customer-facing IP vs. multiple IPs required)

What do you need to do to prepare?

  • Please update your white-list/allow-list with our new IP addresses (see table below). This will ensure continuity if you are using an IP-based white-list/allow-list in your firewall or any other security wrapper.
  • The new IPs will be primary beginning May 20, 2022. Existing IPs will remain functional for a short duration after the cutover date, in a secondary capacity. The WMS Team will notify you when the existing (old) IPs can be removed from the white-list/allow-list.

EUROPE Datacenter (Germany)

URLExisting IPsNew IPsPort
eu1-pns.dellmobilitymanager.com3.124.26.4813.48.151.20620.79.247.1861883, 443, 443
eu1-pns.wysemanagementsuite.com3.124.26.4813.48.151.20620.79.247.1881883, 443, 443


  • Do I need to make any changes to my thin client devices?
    • No
  • Where will the new cloud provider host WMS instances? Will there be an EU-based instance to ensure compliance with GDPR requirements?
    • There will be no change from the current WMS offering. We will continue to offer a US-based instance (in the state of Washington) and an EU-based instance (in Germany).
  • Does Dell have appropriate fail-over plans should issues arise during migration?
    • Yes

We are building out documentation to support this transition and will send out additional reminders as we approach the cutover date. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to your Dell Sales Specialist or Pre-Sales. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have around this change.


Dell Wyse Management Suite Team

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